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Enough to live on a paper. It's time to act.

Today I will tell you about my work and about how I ventured and began to create my own direction in the world of poetry.

I've been writing poems since I was 13 years old, but I would never have thought that it was a talent, that it might be of interest to society. In verse, I simply write my stories, the stories of my life and did not think that I would create a new direction in my work, that I would overturn the notion of poetry in society, that by my poems I would make a contribution to people's lives.

Once I decided that it would be enough to dream about the stage, about the TV and about my concerts, since I always dreamed of becoming an artist, and I decided that it was time to act.

I came up with the idea to spend my creative evening and inspire people with my poems and songs. Organizing the concert, where my dearest people gathered, I shared warmth, emotions and stories in my poems.

Shock overtook me during the concert, when I saw that my stories were so close to everyone who had been in the hall.

Someone cried, someone hugged harder their loved ones, and someone took a journey into their thoughts and memories. After the first creative evening, I decided that poetry will no longer live in my notes, that it's time to share with the world what God has given me.

How I began to shoot videos for my poems, I do not remember, but it was about a year ago. I joined the team, and we started an interesting path, a path that no one else has been through.

Enough to live on a paper. It

I decided that poetry should come to life not only on a paper; it should also be reflected in videos. During the year of filming and ripening of this idea a lot of events happened, and my child has grown up. The belief in what I was doing was deepening, my power strengthened and a team turned up that picked up my wave and began to create a full-fledged product.

  I'm writing this article so that you could notice your talents and just start creating! Act! And break through!

That week I had another concert, already in a completely different format. Now I did not just read poems, my poems came to life on the screens of the concert hall. Something I read to live accompaniment, something was shown by short films, completed poetry with songs and acting. During this period I was pleasantly surprised that, as it turned out, poetry is admired not only by women, but also by men. How many comments and compliments I am constantly getting from men that they are so inspired by my lines and ready to go and conquer greater heights and achieve success. How many young generations have written that they’ve believed in themselves and they’ve begun to change their lives. There was even a case when the girl after my concert came up and said that she was going to the concert with the idea of ​​getting divorced, and during the evening she decided to believe in her man and stay with him till the end.

Such situations give a clear understanding that I'm moving in the right direction, that my mission is starting to get a little bit on its feet.

My story is not the end, it's just the beginning. It’s just the beginning of my journey and the start of my work on my dreams and goals.

At the current moment I've already been working on a grand show that I plan to present to the world. I started shooting a feature-length film, which will be presented to the world. I already have an image of the book with poems in my head. How much more is there ahead us, how much more is there to create.

I believe that my example will give you the strength and courage to open your eyes, take a chance and start doing it!

And to fully immerse in the atmosphere of my work, I suggest you that you look and listen to a poem, which, I believe, will inspire you.

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